What is a C16 License and Why?
If you are a property owner, business owner, insurance company or other– you may be in need of a Fire Sprinkler Contractor. That would be a C-16 License, which is recognized by the State of California for a contractor to be able to test, inspect, and repair fire sprinkler pipes and protection systems. Ordinary plumbers do not have the authority to work on these specialty pipes, so its never a good idea to hire them for fire sprinkler-related work.
Los Angeles Area C16 Licensee
Here at Z&S Fire Equipment, we are fully licensed, insured, and bonded with a C-16 License. If you have any questions regarding C-16 or anything related to your fire protection equipment and testing intervals, feel free to give us a call at 310-204-6403 and ask for Kevin or Henry, our licensed contractors.
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